20 July 2013

New advancements

Just a quick Update to let everyone (mostly myself) know where I'm at with the game. I've rearranged the GUI for the menu as well as the in game part. I've built all new menus that take better advantage of all of the great real estate on smart phones and minimized the clutteryness, and have mostly gotten back to where I want to be, but still have several more menus to go. I've built a story line for the game, which is pretty silly but gives me a direction to go in. With that, I've adjusted the game play to match the new plot. You'll get a basic jump option and basic attack option, which you'll have the ability to upgrade with experience points ( as well as hp, stamina, stamina reduction, and damage reduction). The way jumping upgrades work now is you get the option to upgrade the jump height, and stamina reduction for jumping, you'll get the option to unlock a "double jump" feature, which will allow you to perform a second jump once you are already air bound. Also a slow fall feature that if you hold down the jump tap, it will reduce the fall speed. Basic attack upgrades are pretty much exactly the same. Toys is the new feature, Instead of unlocking/upgrading new powers, most of them will be temporary objects the player can pick up during a level, I call them toys, you know, like machine guns and grenades, toys! you'll get the option to open the toy box, and with the coins you collect, purchase a toy before a round and have the option of using it right away instead of searching around for one, or getting the luck of the drop. They'l only have limited uses, or time limits, so use them wisely. You'll get the option to upgrade one aspect for each of the toys, you may be able to upgrade one to have higher damage, but a different toy might have the option to upgrade it's time limit, do you want more damage, or more uses? you can't have both. Gadgets will pretty much work like they used to except I've expanded the concepts and changed around some of the powers to be gadgets instead. You'll only be able to use one gadget at a time, and they are not upgradable. Gadget Ideas are as follows: power magnet, this will attract coins and toys, or other specials, which i'll describe later. Dash suit- use the up, down, or forward swipe motions on the screen to allow for some awesome new mobility, which won't use stamina. rocket boots, this will replace the jump option with a rocket, that doesn't use stamina, and allows you to accelerate up with a left finger tap, and descend down. I'll also probably add a survival suit, which after a short delay in being damaged, will start regenerating health slowly.
Future plans include specials that you can pick up through out the level, like 2x coin or xp boost that may last 30 seconds or so, instant kill attacks, health or stamina regeneration objects,  these will not be upgradable but will have a short usage time. or will be instantaneous.
Ok, that's all for now. Got work to do!