21 January 2013


This post is more for myself rather than showing off my progress, gotta keep my head in order. I've made several powers availible, but no way to really access them in game. I guess I'll have to start working on menus, saving coins/powerups, and purchases. Added several weapons: Basic attack (which is a simple melee attack), Basic ranged attack (low rate of fire or semi-auto/one fire per click), High speed ranged attack (has a form of bullet spread and much higher rate than basic ranged), Grenade like attack which lobs an explosive in the air and it xplodes on impact destroying blocks around it. Built a shield defense attack thing which destroys objects as the player runs into them, an optional powerup/coin magnet to help with collecting those powerups and coins, oh yeah: coins, which will assist in purchasing upgrades and new powers. Also fixed a bunch of the movement options, dashing, effects and even speed up the level as distance goes up to add to difficulty, and added another random level seed, which I'll have to keep working on. Visually the game is very plain right now, but I feel like I'm making some stupid-serious progress and barring menu's, will have a decently running game in only a few weeks. Thats all for now

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