20 February 2013

Non-update update

My progress this week has been lacking. I've worked my way through a few more menus and working on unlocking/upgrading, which is easy but terribly tedious. I started trying to revamp my game physics since I wasn't very happy with the speed of gameplay, plus getting caught up on blocks and whatnot. The idea was to use a constant force applied to the player to "push" them through the level at a constant rate of speed, despite objects. The biggest difference would be that if the player was pushed through a block or a bad guy without him destroying it first, it would cause the player damage, which, as it turns out, was incredible frustrating, and became increasingly more-so when dealing with jumping or mid-air acrobatics. So I opted out of that style and stuck with the old gameplay, but decided to add ramps. They slow the player down ever so slightly, but allow the player to elevate over obstacles without having to jump every half-second. Which leads me to ideas of special blocks that will cause the player to speed up (like a forward boost) or a slow down (like a sticky pit) when they move on/over them. Still a very early idea, and  I'm not quite sure how to make it not look strange, we'll see. On a side not, I took a look at my coding for that side-scroller: Primitives, that I was working on months back, and wow, I was almost frightened by how bad it was. I made some cursory changes just to make gameplay a little smoother, which turned out nice, but there are so many other processes going on simultaneously that chew up system resources and they seem to bog the game down a bit, especially with camera movement. I'll have to come back to that one later on when I'm done with this current project. So after I made the changes I wanted, I decided it would be a good idea to take a look at the FPS I started work on so long ago, my first real project. It was like trying to read hieroglyphics. The coding is sooooooo bad! I have no idea what I was thinking with it all. I guess I never really understood the term "Hack" in reference to coding before now, but it's like every script was pure hack, just to make the game run. I have so many improved methods now compared to then that it almost hurts looking at it. Which brings me to my last point: I told myself back then that I would never re-write the code for that game because I had put so much time and effort into it, but now I know I will. I may keep certain aspects, but almost every script has serious flaws. That's all for now. More to come later.

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