07 November 2012

Fun Gun Time

Got the gun to a good point, not perfect, and far from finished, but looks pretty cool anyways. All animations are scripted and not recorded. Probably going to have to record them for the final version anyways, once I figure out how to work Blender. A few collision problems when standing on bullets, you can't really jump unless you're in the exact right spot, so I may have to play around with that a bit. Alright, have fun!


  1. Very cool! One thing I noticed, the bullets don't seem constrained in the Z axis. If you shoot one and let it roll down a slope, or hit the player, it'll fall right off the edge. Don't know if that's intentional or not, but it was a little confusing until I figured out what was going on.

  2. Fixed the thing with the bullets falling off the ledges, didn't really mean for that to happen, fixed that and found another bug...
    Which lead me to fixing a much more rudimentary problem, ground detection.
    Turns out if you arn't precisely over top of another object (a bullet) but are still standing on it, the raycast I used wouldn't think you were grounded. So I built collision bubbles on the bottom, left, and right sides to detect collisions, which works a whole lot better, but I had to write pretty much all of my motion, jumping and collision detection all over again. I added about 45 lines of code for the collision bubbles total, and got rid of about 50 extra lines of code from the character motor. That worked out well, plus it's a little less hacked feeling. Although there's a lot of extra slide when moving around, I mean, the player is a ball after all, gonna have to get used to that. I'll upload again when I make a little more progress instead of fixes.

  3. Hah, wow, didn't mean to cause that much of a fuss. But I guess it's good to get these things out of the way when the engine is still pretty simple, eh?

  4. oh yeah. Also noticed that when used in conjunction with jump (holding down space bar) and firing right below the player, you fly like using a jetpack. This will all be taken out later with the regular bullets which will probably dissapear when causing damage (or hitting walls) and will not be physically solid. therefore nothing to jump off of. but it's odd properties gives me ideas for future weapons...
    Idea: use one gun that can be upgraded, and several different ammo types: explosive, armor piercing, regular, grappeling hook, sticky balls (could be used to form a bridge or walls that could block stuff, or fill gaps), anti-grav bouncy bullets, random crazy stuff.
