03 October 2012

When I figure out what I'm doing...

First Post on my "blog." Here's the link for my game, if you an even call it that. Little jerky where the mouse is concerned and extremely limited options, but that'll all be fixed in time.



  1. Very cool, dude. First, it looks amazing. I'm sure you're just using built-in textures, but even so, the environment looks great, and that crosshair thing is perfect; exactly what I was imagining.
    Things I noticed: Is there a way to quit? I've been alt-F4-ing, but if you can bind some sort of quit feature to the escape key, that'd be pretty intuitive.
    And speaking of counter-intuitive, I couldn't tell if it's a bug, or something you just haven't gotten around to yet, or me misinterpreting it, but the movement system has me a little confused. I was expecting A and D to strafe, while W and S move forward and backward relative to the viewpoint. Instead, they seem to correspond to some other more universal direction, though it still has something to do with the view, since W doesn't always move you towards (or away) from the little hill-thing. It feels a little like being drunk, actually.
    Which brings me to the last thing I wanted to mention- something to keep people from falling off the edge of the world probably isn't necessary at this point in the game, but did you ever get around to making mountains to steep to climb, or something along those lines? I wandered off the edge a couple of times, and with no easy way to quit, I found myself restarting the game each time.
    All in all, very neat, dude. Makes me wish I'd started in Unity instead of Torque, but I'm kind of committed now. Keep it up! I can't wait to see more!

  2. Ok so i have no idea how that happened. The drunk thing was way strange, and it's the first time I've seen that occur, so i'll keep an eye out in future revs. heres the latest version with esc key and drunk mode gone. (didn't actually do anything to fix it, it must have been a compile problem.)
